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news — Skilpod selected as the only Belgian building company for the Aedes framework contract

On April 13 in The Hague, we officially stepped into a framework contract issued Aedes, the umbrella association of Dutch housing associations. This makes us the only Belgian party to pass the strict preselection. With this framework contract, Aedes is supporting the accelerated construction of 28,000 homes over the next three years to address the acute housing shortage.

"In the Netherlands, they are already much further along in terms of modular construction," says Skilpod CEO Filip Timmermans. "Prefab homes are seen there as a fully-fledged solution to make big leaps forward. Compare that to Flanders where only about a thousand social housing units were added last year, while more than 180,000 families are on the waiting list."

a thorough pre-selection

The framework contract helps Aedes member housing associations to quickly find their way through the supply of modular builders. During the pre-selection, participating companies were vetted for quality, reliability and assortment, in four categories: temporary stacked construction (apartments), permanent stacked construction, temporary ground-connected construction (residential housing) and permanent ground-connected construction.  

Skilpod was selected along with 14 more Dutch companies in all four categories. We are currently the only modular builder in Belgium that also offers timber-frame apartments.

Says Timmermans, "The fact that we have been around for 10 years and sell directly to individuals in Flanders was an important factor. Flemish people are very critical of their homes. The fact that we do well here is a better recommendation than any certificate."

modular construction: fast and affordable

Aedes' decision to go full steam ahead with modular construction is not illogical. In modular construction, standardized modules are built in a factory and moved to the construction site. The preparations at the construction site are done at the same time as the construction of the modules. As a result, housing associations benefit from economies of scale and can work much faster than with traditional construction. This makes 28,000 new homes in three years a feasible goal.

Published: 14 April 2023

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